How Chiropractic Care Can Relieve Stress and Anxiety

How Chiropractic Care Can Relieve Stress and Anxiety

Chiropractic care is a kind of massage that helps your body heal itself. The hands-on physical manipulations help realign joints and relieve pain. The treatment typically focuses on the spine, but it also helps other areas of your body. Here are several ways chiropractic care at M Powered Chiropractic can help manage anxiety and stress.


Reduces Muscle Tension

Stress can make your muscles tense up and cause neck pain. With time, this pain can lead to other medical conditions. They include depression, panic attacks, and anxiety disorders. Spinal adjustments from chiropractic care can help restore natural balance to your body. A chiropractor can help relieve the tension in the neck that causes lower back pain.


Lower Blood Pressure

Anxiety or stress can make your blood pressure shoot up in an instant. Chiropractic care can help you manage it by correcting the misalignments. In addition, most health insurance firms cover it under their policies.


Quality Sleep and Relaxation

Stress and anxiety can interrupt your regular sleeping patterns. Insomnia often stems from muscular tension. Chiropractic treatment encourages sleep and relaxation, relieving the tension by correcting spinal misalignments.


Restores Bodily Functions

All functions in your body need the brain to work. The central nervous system depends on your spinal cord to carry out various activities. Stress makes you tense up, causing the spinal cord to move. A chiropractor can help restore your normal bodily functions by adjusting your spine. Doing this reduces your chances of feeling sick and gives you an energy boost.


Triggers Positive Hormones

Spine adjustments increase the production of good hormones like cortisol, neurotensin, and oxytocin in the body. These hormones help reduce anxiety and stress after chiropractic care. In some cases, less or overproduction of the hormones may contribute to migraines.

Proper regulation of hormones promotes overall wellness. Neurotensin helps calm pain resulting from stress. Cortisol helps block pain that comes from inflammation. Oxytocin, on the other hand, boosts the feelings of social bonding.


Nutrition Counseling

Nutrition is important not only for physical health but also to help manage stress. Bad eating habits can cause mood swings, fatigue, poor concentration, and blood sugar imbalances. Too much intake of caffeine increases stress hormones and can lead to insomnia. A healthy diet with foods that lower the production of cortisol help manage stressors.


Promotes Natural Solutions

If you prefer a natural solution to stress and anxiety, chiropractic care is the way to go. An option for this is taking prescription opioid medication. The disadvantage of medicines is that they come with side effects like fatigue, nausea, insomnia, and weight gain. Chiropractic treatment helps reduce the symptoms of stress and anxiety without medication.

Most medical professionals recommend it for people with chronic stress, depression, or anxiety. But for people who are already on stress medication, it is advisable to seek your doctor’s counsel before changing or stopping it.

There is enough scientific evidence that chiropractic care helps people with mental health issues. In addition to this, it is an affordable and effective option for expensive conventional health care.

For more on how chiropractic care can relieve stress and anxiety, visit M Powered Chiropractic at our office in Georgetown, Texas. You can call (512) 548-4355 to book an appointment today.

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